Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Exciting news!

Day before yesterday, we had a call on the ID that we'd missed. It WAS at like 8:15am, who the heck is up that early during summer vacation? LOL Anyhow, it was our local grocery store. Our town is all of 3k people. One grocery, one P.O., a General Store (Freds) and a Dollar General.... we have Sonic, (fast food) and Subway.... a few other odds n ends, but that's IT.

Anyhow, was like hmmm... why the heck did they call??? No message was left,... so I called,... hubby mentioned that maybe they were calling for Brian, for a JOB INTERVIEW!?! Wow, that would be GREAT!!!!!! It was my mission this year, to see that he got a job!!! 17yrs old and hadn't worked a real job yet??? Unheard of!!!! Hubby was right!! The manager asked if Brian could meet with him today after noon,.... so 12:30 we headed up there.

Of course Mgr had left for lunch, so we did a few things and went back and after about 15mins max,... he came out smiling :o) HE GOT THE JOB!!!! I'm so proud. He has no idea how much independence this will give him. Especially being his Senior year of school. Yay Brian!!!!!


The Chicks said...

Awww you must be so proud!!!
Congrats Brian..

The Chicks said...

Ya need a shoutbox hon..
I've left an award on my site for ya xx