Monday, October 13, 2008

Tanya Wants To Know...

Tanya has asked a few questions,... in which when I answer, I will pass this on to 3 others :) Thank you Tanya!!!

1. How long have you been using PSP, PS?

Well, to be honest, we had a copy of PSP6 and I dabbled with it a lot for photo editing, then later some VERY basic sig tags for some online gaming the hubby and I were doing,... I think it was either 1997? or 2000?? I would really have to ask hubby LOL I've got a piss poor memory. Since then though, we've upgraded to PSP9, and that's only been within the last couple years, where I have learned to do LOTS more than photo editing!

2. How did you get into making tags, scrapkits?

I frequent a virtual pet site called Subeta. The site has a lot of free reign where you can create wonderful, fun layouts, or sig tags for the forums etc. Using my points at the site, I would purchase these items from others. Well, it was around then that we got PSP9 and I started dabbling,... from there I was given some great tutorial links from Michelle that helped,... hubby joined this PSP group that was wonderful for a beginner,.... then I joined Cherished Angels and have learned a lot more, and call that my PSP home :)

3. Who`s your fave artist?

Hmm... I have several,... right now I'm really big on Charlene ChuaCharlene Chua, but I love Garvey, Janesko, Woolcott,... so many wonderful artists out there!!!

4.Who`s your faveourite Scrap Designer?

Wow,... umm... I have soooo many scrapkits LOL I think by far I love the work that Clarey does,... I think another favorite is Sophisticated Scraps I really have a TON of kits though,... hard to pick just one person when there are so many talented kit makers out there.

5. Which three blogs do you visit everyday?

Hmmm not many blogs really, but when I do it's usually Joanne's For the most part, you'll find me hanging around at Cherished Angels :)

Again, thank you Tanya!! Hope you learned a lil bit more about me through this :)
I'm going to send this along to

Sue and

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