Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Miss me??

Yeah, it's been a bit huh??? Sorry,.... not a whole lot to jabber about these days. The kids are out of school, things are a tad busy getting the older two ready for their summer with their dad. This is always a dreaded time of the year for us. I hate it the most I figure,.... suppose you could say it tends to make me feel anxious and testy.

So far this past week, we did dental apts as I am not very good about making sure they get there when they should, the oldest needs braces, so he gets the joy of having those put on hopefully as soon as he returns and before school starts. Welcome to High School, here's some braces huh? LOL Poor kid.

Our family has officially expanded.... you know those sweet lil kittens?? Yeah, they're still here :o) The little girl was named about a week ago,... Sweetie... the black n white, since he looks so much like his daddy, is Skipper Jr, but we call him Jr. I kinda like that,..... sorta Jr Earnhardt too :o) (Nascar if you dont know the name) The black boy, still dont have a name,.... half considered calling him Oscar after my kitty when I was growing up, but he just doesn't fit the name,... then thought Elvis since we are so close to Graceland and all. But I dont know, he doesn't seem like an Elvis either. So, still thinking on that one. Here are a couple pics to enjoy.... Sweetie finds any spot that's unusal and naps there.... this morning it was my purse,... I had just cleaned out all the crap so it was empty and she couldn't stand it and climbed in! LOL DH took the picture of the boys a few days ago, they're like best buds!

Lets see,..... shortly things will be looking up for the household as DH has taken a different job within his company. His job now, is mechanical engineer. Best I can explain it is that he draws programs out on the computer for how the steel will look as it gets rolled/cut. He works at a huge steel mill,.... obviously. Sadly for all the work he does, he doesn't get paid near what some of the other guys get paid,.... long story on that. Most the others in the shop get "production bonus" and the guys that actually run the lathe machines outside in the mill area get production bonus as well. You know how it is, you as a wife can say what you think about how things ought to be, but they're not going to listen to you. If he didn't make up the drawings, they'd not have a program to run the steel through..... should be worthy of production bonus. But no. So,.... he's going out to the lathe. It will be tons more money for us, and we're very excited about that part. Not to mention that right now he works 12hr days 5 days a week, and has even worked Sat for OT pay. This job will be 12hr/4day week. Four days on four days OFF. We can't wait for that either. Weekends are never long enough for us :o) The bad part of the job, is that it's much more physically challenging, it's extremely dirty and quite dangerous. So, while we're anxious for the changes we'll be able to make for our family, I do worry about the cons of the job. He worries about our relationship what with the rotating schedule. As he will work one week days 6am-6pm, and then nights 6pm-6am. I admit it will be hard, it will be a huge adjustment, but I'm not worried about our relationship in anyway. I love him so very much, and could never express my appreciation for what he does to better our lives. He doesn't WANT this job,... but we need it. So, honey if you're reading this, thank you and I love you with all my heart.

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