Monday, February 27, 2006

It's all about the "panning"

Feb. 22nd I took a midterm. I can't tell you how stressed out I was over this. For starters, hubby was off work starting Monday morning..... and won't return to work until the evening of March 4th!! I really just wanted to BE HOME with him. Also, it had been like 20yrs since I've taken any sort of test that I can recall LOL I had to go Monday, even though the kids were off due to President's Day.... nice huh?? I had to go to school!!! Grrr.....

We were given a study guide for the midterm. We went over all the questions, answered them and all that fun stuff. When I got home that afternoon, I looked it over some, went through the book. As he had said not everything is covered on this guide. Tuesday I did more of the same and took some pictures to help reinforce some of the things we've been learning. I will never keep aperture and shutter speed right.... anyhow... I studied hard Tuesday. For a good 4hrs at least. Then I took off for the store, bought a few things to do a make shift home studio. I also picked up hubby the new 360 game Fight Night :o) Early Bday present for him!!

Weds came..... I was sure hopeful I would do well on this exam. Brian first had an ortho apt, so he got out of school that day. They put teenie rubber bands around 4 of his teeth to make room for the caps that will be put on this Weds and then more hardware next Weds. Lucky kid. The teenie rubber bands were uncomfortable enough.... boy is he in for a treat huh? LOL

We were in and out of there, and got to the school parking lot, a metered spot of course, but hey, it was close!! :o) I had Brian quiz me... and I did really well I think :o) Got into the class and worried some more. I'm really wanting to do well in this class,... I want to know I'm retaining this stuff, and I want us to get paid back for the class as well. Anyhow, I looked through the pages before we actually started, and gasped.... "Panning???" to the girl beside me,... "... did we go over that???" she giggled and smiled and nodded her head yes. "CRAP!" Sigh.

I went through the 40 question test (I'm pretty sure it was 40 problems) some were True/False and others were written and worth 5pts. Yup, you guessed it,... panning was a 5pt question. Great. I had NO idea. I mean,.... I kinda did,... but sure didn't know what the correct answer was. I kept in my head, panning through like a forest or something,.... going from one side to the other.... *sigh* what a dope. Everything else I think I did fairly well. I might not have given the answer exactly as he would have liked, but hopefully it was enough to show that I knew what it meant??? If that makes sence. In any event, there was a gaggle of the class standing in the hall talking about the test. Panning = following your moving subject (more or less) GAH!! I remember going over that now :o( Dangit!!!!! So, yeah, I was for sure 5pts off on that test :o( That so sucks.

I should be in class this morning,.... but today is hubby's Bday and I wanted to be home with him. We went out to dinner with some friends Saturday night and had a wonderful time. Company and food both were really good. Hubby works with the friend, and we used to play World of Warcraft with them online as well. Friend is VERY talented, he can draw/carve/whatever else from memory. I don't have even a pinky fingers worth of his talent. His latest hobby has been scrimshaw He looked at a picture hubby had of Geoffery, and started on a small piece.... he gave it to me Saturday night... I can't even begin to say how amazed I am at this. I had read up on scrimshaw back when hubby told me about what he was doing, and really after reading it and seeing a piece,.... you just have no idea. You don't see the marks in the material, but yet this image is right there!! Just amazing. Anyhow, I wanted to share this today :o)

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