Sunday, August 19, 2007

School Starts Tomorrow

Yup, we have finished out another summer. Older two spent the bulk of their summer with their Dad in TX, and they saw a ton of rain. I guess they had a good time,.... they did get to swim a little bit, think they saw a couple movies, but other than that hung out at the house playing on the computers. The older they get, the more *eh* summer seems I think.
On the 9th we got to pick them up from the airport. I'm always excited to see them,.... it felt like it had been an extra long summer and boy did I miss them terribly!!! They looked pretty scruffy when they came out the walkway. Both needed major haircuts or something LOL But they were HOME!!!! *sigh* Yup yup life was good LOL
The younger two were sooooo excited, even Sydney said that she was looking forward to having her big brother pulling her hair and squishing her hard where her bones felt like they could break. Yup, she missed them huh? :o)
I had already bought a few things for school for the little ones,.... now I needed to cram and see what the bigger two needed. School supplies are always the worst. I think we have everything they need and clothes wise, I will pick up more here and there as the weeks go along.
Tomorrow I will drop them off at school, and come home to a quiet house and enjoy it with the hubby as he will be home tomorrow and Tuesday as well :o) Yay!!!!
A few pics I had taken when I took the littles to the park,.... thought I would share :o)

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