Monday, January 07, 2008


Happy New Years everyone!!!!

My friend Inky said we needed to have a resolution this year to start posting more. Well, don't hold your breath of course. I don't want to be liable to your passing out, hitting your head on your desk and laying there with the dog licking your face for hours :D

I did think I would post a bit of a funny.... well, it wasn't so funny at the time of course. I can sorta laugh about it now though :)

Friday Jan 4th hubby and I took off to Memphis Airport to pick up the older kids as they spent the holiday with their dad. Of course the lady at the ticket counter wouldn't give us escort passes. I don't know how many years we've been doing this now,.... neither child has had the "escort ticket" except maybe once since they started flying, and we've always been given escort passes to greet the kids at the terminal. No, not this time. She really was being a wench. I told her we've always gotten passes in the past, was this something new???? She spoke with the ticket agent beside her who said "well, we shouldn't but do whatever you like" Meaning, it's not going to hurt her feelings if she gave us passes. She didn't give us passes. Wench. No, that's not the funny part. I'm getting there.

Hubby and I vegged out watching people, I played a bit on my DS as the kids flight was running late. It was late in leaving when they were headed there, and late coming home. Figures.

Finally they landed and I anxiously awaited for them to walk up the long hall,... seemed to be taking forever!!! Behind us was a rather large sweet looking lady, wearing a habit and collar,... I didn't know that women wore collars??? She was wandering around and obviously waiting for someone. We watched a large man in a pink shirt, and collar go down the escalator towards baggage claim,.... hubby spoke with the lady who said yes she was waiting on someone, and hubby mentioned seeing the man in the collar,.... "Ohh yes, was he wearing a purple shirt??" Hmm..... I swear that shirt was pink,.. okay fuscia covers both :) She hurried down the escalator after him. Then we had 3 guys walking that way as well,.... very redneck lookin,... one in shorts (and it's cold out) wearing dark socks that come mid calve and these funky black shoes LOL I commented to hubby that they looked like real winners :D I do enjoy people watching,.... but upon closer inspection,.... we soon realized that the guy in the cowboy hat was the member of Damage Plan, he was Vinnie Paul. That was pretty neat :D

FINALLY our kids came walking down,..... PHEW!!!! We got luggage and headed back out, and along the way I was starving and needed to use the bathroom. We decided to pop in and eat there at the airports Backyard Burger. I hit the bathroom first. They have the great fun toilets that flush when you move. I was sitting there peeing and it was flushing the whole while. I love those toilets. NOT. Upon finishing I'm pulling up my pants when my cellphone clip pops off and yeah,.... cellphone straight into the toilet. My only saving grace was that the toilet had already flushed, but fear set in,.... what if that darned toilet flushes AGAIN????? I dove for it,.... keep in mind, this all happened within seconds. I wasted no time at all grabbing for the phone and rushing to the sink to get towels and start drying it off.

Sadly, it was far too late. Cellphones and water do not mix. Now to tell hubby this one. Oh yeah, I knew he'd love it *sigh* Hubby couldn't believe it, and oldest says "Only you huh mom?" Yeah, thanks. Geez. I grabbed some napkins and kept working on drying everything out and praying that the phone would work. No luck. It wasn't until Saturday night, I was headed to bed. Picked up the pieces of my phone laying there,... thought ONE MORE TRY. It was totally dead, so maybe a good charging would help?? The condensation was gone from the small outer window where the time and all shows,.... surely it would work now?? I plugged it in, and it actually came up saying Charging Battery.. !!!! OMG It's going to work??? I let it set there awhile and used oldests new cellphone (we got him one for Christmas, and sadly it was looking like I was having to take it from him until we could get mine replaced) and called my phone, it rang!!!! I let it charge all night and it's been working pretty good ever since. I am a tad concerned that the battery isn't holding a charge as well as it used to though. But at least it's MY phone. I can replace the battery hopefully cheaper than the phone (one would think!)

So yeah,.... the story of how I killed my cellphone and it came back to life again. Nice start to the New Year Resolution to post more here :D I hope you enjoyed!!!!

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