Saturday, November 08, 2008

A New Award!

Sweet Tika over at Traquil Kaos gave me an award!!! This is a pretty neat one too!!

The rules are:

Anyhow The rules are I have to tell 7 things that I love and then pass it along to 7 other bloggers:

1. My husband Chris, he is truly my best friend and a wonderful husband.

2. My 4 kids, Brian, Jessica, Sydney and Geoffery, each so special in their own ways.

3. My Mom ... because of her, I am the woman I am today.

4. My critters, (4 cats, 2 dogs) they make me laugh, they give good snuggles!

5. My computer, it keeps me busy on the quiet evenings or afternoons when hubby is working.

6. PSP and the whole Cherished Angels community! I have such terrific friends there!! It's so great to pop in there, laugh, and have girl chats or whatever!!! Thank you to all those wonderful ladies!

7. My DVR LOL I LOVE being able to record my shows and watch them one after the other as I save them up for when hubby works nights :)

The 7 Bloggers I will pass this along to are: **GAH!! I don't have 7 to pass it on to :( So,... I will pass this along to the ones that haven't already received this award :)**




Thank you Tika!! I enjoyed doing this one :) ***BIG HUGS***

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