Sunday, March 15, 2009

To Do List....

A list of things I really should do....

1. Finish resizing/uploading pictures from Christmas

I really have a lot of interesting pictures outside of the traditional family ones. When mom and I went wandering around taking pictures. She got a new camera for her Bday/Christmas, and we put it to good use!!

2. Add more pictures to my digital frame!!

My old SLR camera used the big bulky memory card, and since we don't use the camera anymore, I am using the card for my digital frame my honey and kiddos got me for Mother's Day. I just LOVE the frame!!! If you don't have one yet,... well.. what the heck ARE you waiting for??? LOL

3. Continue working on my scrap kit for my other blog, and making more tags in PSP. I could probably sit here all day/night long playing in PSP. Whenever I get really involved in doing something, I most always get interrupted. Very frustrating let me tell ya!

4. Hmm... I know there was more I wanted to get done.... but atm all I can think of is cleaning off my desk, and finding our dining table, it's under the junk in there somewhere!!! I KNOW it is!!!

So, on that note,... I should get some stuff done around the house, will be taking Geoffery to his first baseball practice this afternoon. No idea how long that will take.

Hope you have a GREAT day!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....