Wednesday, March 04, 2009

.... yeah.... I know....

Here it is,... March... and still haven't finished uploading pictures from Christmas. LOL Pretty pathetic.

In the meantime, thought I'd jabber a wee bit. Oldest, Brian.... will be 18 in May. He's one of those rare kids who never had an interest in driving. It could be because Mom will drive me where I need to go (even to the Jr Prom!!) or because he's quite happy staying at home playing WoW or XBox Live all day/night long.... whatever the reason, he just had NO interest in driving.

We pretty well had to MAKE him study and take the written test. While he was at his Dads over the summer, he was enrolled in a Drivers Ed course. From the way he made it sound and how it all worked,.... well... it was crap. He came home that summer with paperwork that said he could get his license after I think 6 months wait. It was basically drive around on this paper for 6mons, turn it in and TA DA you're legal. Sadly,... when he took the written here, he failed it 2xs before passing!!! He didn't know a lot of the rules or things that seemed common sense after taking that class. Waste of money if you ask me!

We've been letting him drive around town off and on,.... but now his permit is due to expire the end of this month. GAH!!!! SOooo.... I'm being a good mom and giving up my keys to him in the mornings and afternoons. He drives us to school, and home. This is only day two of doing this. He does a really great job, only have to remind him to move to the left a bit or remind him about his blinkers once in awhile....

But the funny part.... on the way home today (this was the first time driving us home) we stopped at the Post Office, and the store. As we pull away from the store, he heads straight and stops at the stop sign. We've lived in this town nearly 12yrs now! He says "Which way??" "well, we're going home.... so which way???" "left" he turns on the blinker and turns right. Yes,.... I said right. Ahhhh yes..... that was a shining moment for me. So proud of my teenage son,.... nearly 18, graduates this May.... yup yup.... the first thought that came to mind was....

"The left hand now knows what the right hand is doing".

Your former President of the United States, George W. Bush.... as he called his left hand his right hand and his right his left. Yup yup, proud moment indeed.

1 comment:

Clarisse Teagen said...

I scared the hell out of my mom when i was practicing driving :P
you've got a good boy there. lol.