Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back to School

August 19th, the kids returned to school. Jessica isn't in this picture because she was over at Cousin Gina's getting ready. She wanted help with hair and make up :o) She's turning into a real big girl *sigh*

Anyhow,..... first day of school. Sydney & Geoffery. They were both very excited. Can't you tell? LOL In all honesty, Sydney was looking forward to seeing her friends, but starting "Jr. High" was a bit scary to her. She felt like she wouldn't know anyone, or where her classes were or any of that scary stuff.

Let me paint a picture for you though. The school is one big cluster of rooms. You have sections though, but they all adjoin to each other in one way or another. I forget how many students hubby's class was when he graduated, but it wasn't many. Not compared to where I went to school. Sydney's graduating class might be 100 and that's probably pushing it. My graduating class was 300+ if I recall. The cool thing with here, is that there's one elementary school, one middle/jr high school, and one high school. All put together. So, that also means that the kids you went to 1st grade with, will join you in 6th grade, 9th grade etc (provided they don't move outta town) Are you getting all this? LOL I tried to explain to her, that she wasn't going to be sitting in rooms with totally new kids. There would be plenty of students she would know. "I might KNOW them but I probably won't LIKE them" *rollseyes* Yes dear. She can be so stubborn/negative sometimes LOL As for finding her classes,.... well, she's not far from where she had classes before, so I didn't worry about that either LOL Silly girl.

Geoffery, he was thrilled to get back to school. In 4th grade he would be going from class to class more so than he did in 3rd. More than anything though, he just wanted to see his friends again. He is the most social of kids. I still think he will either be a comedian or a politician . Stay tuned to find out ;o)

Their first 2 days went very well. Schedules were a bit messed up for the girls, but Sydney's was taken care of quickly enough. They had her in beginning band class, and she's now in the senior band class. Big difference. She was glad to have that moved around. Since she's now in "senior band" there's a lot more going on. Generally there's beginning, juniors and seniors. 6th grade is beginning,... then 7th & 8th is Jr,.... all high school would be senior band. He lost a lot of seniors last year at graduation, and there just aren't enough kids to for both Jr and Sr bands. She got bumped up!! *gasp* Means she is learning to march!!! This is fairly new for our school,... Brian's last year was really the first year they started marching.... so fall of 2009 they were working on it I think it was. She's not sure how much she's going to enjoy marching, but she's not said much negative so I think she'll manage fine :o) She likes all her other teachers,... even her math one. I hope that lasts through the year as math is her weakest subject.

Jessica on the other hand. I hope things get cleared up quickly, as I am waiting on a call from the counselor. She spent a semester I guess it was in Texas with her dad. Upon her return and getting classes here, things were really messed up. Here, certain grades get certain classes. She had taken one of those classes there, so they gave her the other one in its place. She was in a class w/ Jrs and Srs when she was a freshman. Because of that, this year, things are still messed up. A class she's already taken is being replaced with one she needs, spanish I guess. But she's also in yearbook club, and has to have a class for that. The only place they could put her is with the Senior yearbook class,.... her teacher told her yesterday she'd not get credit for the class. I guess because she's not a senior???? While her classmates that are in yearbook are in the sophomore class (when she's in spanish) will get credit for taking the class. Yeah, not too thrilled about that. So, we'll get that sorted out. I'm hoping as hubby has said, that it's just a misunderstanding on Jessica's part.

I think Sydney has already come home with a cold and has given it to me. My head has been stopped up since last night. I thought allergies at first, but not so sure now. Yeah, school is back in session.

One in 4th, one in 7th and one in 10th. Where does the time go???

In other news, Brian is doing well in Texas. He says/thinks? he has a job working at a nearby theater. He said he's to start working there soon??? Guess I'll have to follow up on that to be sure.

Well,.... just thought I would do a bit of catching up here. Maybe I'll stick with it? lol I'm not holding my breath.

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