Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Feeling down...

I am trying to stay motivated and clean up the house. While hubby was home, I did very little, so now it's like playing catch up. While I'm cleaning, I'm trying to declutter areas. We're bad about tossing stuff on table tops and leaving it there, and it piles up more and more..... then there are drawers. You get the idea.

I got Chris's side all straightened up, took a break, ate some food, and watched the season premiere of Medium. I'm so glad that the shows are back :o) I'm so glad we have a technology that gave us the wonderful thing called a DVR.

Once that was over, I set off to clean more. It was my side of the couch,... my end table, top and bottom.

Under the table I have a huge photo album,... and a box. I bought the box a long time ago,.... it had smoked salmon inside. The box is wooden with a metal plate, an image of a fish on top. It looks very Alaskan for art. The salmon has long been gone of course,... but fishing makes me think of Dad. I use the box to store the letters that I'd received from him over the past years.

From time to time, I like to pull them out and glance through them. Today was one of those days. I always cry when I do this,.... it makes me miss him so much. The letter that was on top held a picture of him. He was in the VA program to help get him on his feet, and while there, it was his Birthday along with several other VAers that month. It was a picture of him standing there w/ a mic in his hand.

I can only imagine the things he might be saying,... he loved to talk. He could be quite funny, so I imagine there were several laughs to be had.

Always in his letters, he would tell me how much he loved me, and how proud he was of me. There's still not a day that goes by that I don't miss him. He's been gone now for 8 years. While it doesn't feel like just yesterday that we said good bye to him,... it sure doesn't feel like it's been 8 years.

I guess I will go back to cleaning now.

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