Saturday, September 05, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

High in the pine tree,
The little turtledove
Made a little nursery
To please her little love.

"Coo," said the turtledove,
"Coo," said she;
In the long, shady branches
Of the dark pine tree.

Hubby is working nights this week. He got in around 6:30 this morning. I always get up, shut the house alarm off, visit with him before he heads for the shower & bed.

Because the kids are back in school, the dogs have the school schedule down pat. No sooner was hubby in the door, bearing the fruits of breakfast from Mc D's for the kiddos,... the dogs were prancing around my feet, crossing their legs ready to go outside.

*sigh* "Okay, come on" I said. To which hubby says "be careful out there..." ?? "stray dogs running around??" "no, hunters" Eh??? in our backyard????? I peek through the blinds of the backdoor, don't see anything, so head outside w/ the dogs.

While standing there as they do their business,... I hear these *pop* *pop* sounds around me. Holy crap. I poke my head back inside and ask him "They're hunting in the cotton fields????" "yeah, this is the first day of dove season" "oh."

Back outside,... I'm amazed at the sounds going on. It was really REALLY weird. We've lived here now 3yrs,.. and I've not ever noticed this before now??? How could that be?? Obviously I wasn't ever outside this early in the morning on opening day.

All I could really think is "poor lil doves" I have sampled dove. Hubby's cousin brought us like I dunno... 5 cooked up doves. I could easily put all 5 in the palm of my hand, bacon wrapping included. I can't help but wonder, is it REALLY worth it??? You surely couldn't feed a family of 6 with dove. You'd have to kill 3 dozen of the things!!!

Poor doves.

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