Saturday, October 24, 2009

Teenage Frustration

And I'm not talking about the teenager being frustrated. The mom is frustrated with the teen.

*pulls hair out*

I dunno what I've done wrong, or how to correct the situation, but it seems he's just lazy and doesn't give a crap about much of anything.

I feel like he's for sure not giving 100% at school. Going to Comm. College so he can continue on to a 4yr college and get a degree in gaming design. Sounds wonderful doesn't it?? I mean, great in that he has a goal.

If there was a meter here to show where he was at in reaching that goal,.... well, the meter wouldn't read much of anything.

He doesn't study,.... he's confessed that he's skipped some classes..... hey, I did too when I went for a full semester,.... but he has a goal!!! I didn't.

His room is most always a mess,.... yesterday he came out and asked me "If I clean up my room, can I go hang out w/ my friends" What I thought was sad is that he's 18 and asking if he can do something IF is room is cleaned. Well, at 18 shouldn't he BE keeping his room clean???? I guess not.

Then today,... he's gotta work,.... he's got a seasonal position at Game Stop,... like his dream job,.... he's worked 1 day a week since he started a few weeks ago. He came in to ask me a question,... all dressed and ready to go.

He was a wrinkled mess. Looked like he'd slept in his shirt or worse!!! Just looked horrible. Grrr.... I went off. Nagging mom ensued. I hate being the nagging mom,.... but every time I turn around,... well, he just gives me plenty to nag about.

Told him he needed to either go change or iron his shirt. "Nothing else fits" Well, that's a lie,.... I know for a fact he's got other shirts that fit just fine. ARGH.... knowing him they're either in a pile and dirty, or in a pile and clean.

I'm just frustrated that he doesn't care more about himself. His job. His schooling. Nothing.

I know he has it easy here,.... free room/board. He's got internet, cellphone, gaming,.... it's all right here. Who'd wanna leave that??? I just don't think we ask too much of him. Go to school, do well, work hard,.... various household duties,... we want him to get a decent job so he can start saving towards a car,... but I don't even think he cares about that.

I dunno. Just needed to rant I suppose.

I do have a plan! He has no school on Fridays. So, this Friday, will be job hunting day. He'll go with me in the morning and anything along the way, we'll stop off and get an application, he can fill it out right then and there,... turn it in. Something has to pan out. I'm tired of him being so lazy and not caring about things.

We'll see how this goes I guess.

Enough ranting. I have dinner to start for the littles. They want to go to this Halloween Carnival that a family is having. Should be fun :o) Best get us ready!


I just hung up with said lazy teenager. He was about to leave work and head home. He was excited to tell me that he got an achievement at work today... ??? Umm... okay?? what??? "I'm on the board for doing good deeds" "Ohh, that's neat, what was your good deed?" "I alphabetized the whole half of the store" "ewww, bet that was fun" "ohhh yeah..." "well, that's really cool honey" *sigh* All that ranting and look what he goes and does. Damn kid. LOL

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