Wednesday, September 07, 2011

My first week of school!

I have completed day 3 of manicurist school! Yay me!!!
Day one: it was rather ick.  I was extremely nervous that morning, I couldn't even begin to think of eating breakfast!  I worried about getting the kids to school on time and ME to school on time, I worried about hubby being home alone without me and having to deal with the puppy.... I worried that I wouldn't know what the heck to do when I got there,... all the little things LOL  The drive over I was anxious,.... slow drivers, road work, etc.  I thought for sure I'd be late.  You've gotta be there by 8:30!!
Well, I was there right about 8:15! I was very proud of myself.  I went in, and found out what to do,... go into the office, sign in, get your time card and punch in.  Then wait until 8:30 and we'd have roll call.  I think that's odd, roll call considering you all just signed in???? Go figure.  Anyhow, after we did that, I learned that myself and one other girl started same day who is also a nail tech.  The other 4 girls that started same day are cosmo girls.  
Myself, and the other new girl, and a girl who's been there 2 weeks already went into a smaller office with our instructor.  It was kinda hectic as she was having to answer the phone as well as teach.  We just did book work.  It was all pretty basic, a lot of easy stuff like bacteria and infection control.  Science kinda things.  I like science!!!  We took a short 10min break, by then I was hungry and went ahead and ate what little bit of lunch I fixed,... then we went into another area, all the new folks, and had orientation.  We reviewed a lot of stuff you get when you enroll, and some other things.  Then we got our kit.  THAT was fun!! It was like Christmas.  All the goodies we got :o) Big black bag full.  China Glaze polishes and nice manicure kit, etc etc.  We had to check off to make sure we had everything.  By then it was time for me to go home.  I felt a bit overwhelmed but I did have a good day.  I survived!!!!
Day Two: Pretty much the same deal,... got there early enough to talk to the owner, and asked about reworking my contract to part time only and about the payments since Nucor will cover most all the fees.  I remembered to sign in and clock in,.... I can't tell you the last time I had to clock into a building!!! Waited for 8:30 to go into the classroom area for roll call.  Then went into the little office for more book work.  I then found out that I had a test the next day!!!! TEST???? GAH!!!!!  I can't tell you the last time I had to take a TEST!!! *EEK*  Then we went into the room where we had orientation, desks, and work areas to practice.  We were shown how to set up a manicure table, and then the new girl and I both did manicures on each other!! Yay!! I got to touch a real person!! I couldn't wait to tell the girls because both of them had asked me after my first day of school if I did any manicures LOL  I did a french manicure on her,.... and it was awkward at first, especially filing,... but I think I'll get the hang of that part okay.  Her nails turned out decent enough,... so I couldn't complain for my first attempt LOL  
I got home that afternoon, couldn't wait to let the puppies out as they'd been in kennels from 7:15 - 3:45ish I guess it was.  Surprisingly Phoebe did GREAT!!! No messes!!! I had NO idea that a puppy this young could hold out that long.  She's been so wonderful! Just love her to bits!!! The other two are still very jealous :o\  I hope it doesn't take long, then we'll see them running around playing together.  I already had dinner cooking in the slow cooker so I was able to sit down and play with the dogs and get a few things done around the house.  I swear though, these EARLY hours are killing me.  I was sooooo tired!!! But I worked on studying some,... as much as I could.  But by I think 9:30 I was ready to fall into bed.  So, that's what we did.

Day four:  Test day!! EEK!!! I hope I do well.  Was up bright and early with hubby again, got myself ready to go,.... and was to school in plenty of time that I sat down and went over a few things in my book just to refresh my brain again.  I was very tired, but anxious to get this test taken.  We ALL went into the classroom area and took our test.  I thought it might be multiple choice or something, but it wasn't.  More like fill in the blank and explain stuff.  Once we were done and handed it in, we sat and waited for her to grade it and tell us our grade.  Those that did really well, she said out loud.  Those that didn't she called to her.  I guess one of my answers had her in question, so she borrowed my book to double check it,... then she called me up there :o\  Great, first test and I do crappy.  I head up there, a bit nervous at what I'm going to see.  Out of 15 problems, I missed 3.  I had a 90%!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! I passed!!! You've gotta have a 75% or better.  If you score lower, you pay $5 to retake the test.  Yup yup, I was a very happy camper :o) WOOOOHOOO!!!  I don't really remember what we did after testing.  Think we did manicures.  The cosmo girls had to work on them and all,.... so we taught them what to do more or less.  It was a great day!!! 
Well sadly,... I got distracted or interrupted or something and never did get to finish this post. So,... I'm going to end it with saying that I've been going to school nearly a whole month now.  Sept 16th will be a month.  I'm still enjoying it too.  I've had some interesting clients as I'm now on the floor!!! I was very nervous the first few clients.  I think I'm doing better now though.  Since I've moved to the floor, I've made a whole $20 in tips!!
Well,... it's that time, gotta get out of here for another day. Until next post!!!
Have a great week!

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