Tuesday, January 31, 2006

First Assignment Mishaps....

Well, last week I should've turned in my first assignment,.... the project was "anything" How hard could that be???? I had taken several pictures last week, and had planned to leave early Weds morning to stop at Target, get the film processed and a Starbucks while I waited :o)

Weds morning, I was up and nearly ready for school, I felt pretty crappy with a cold coming on. Still yet, I was anxious to see how my pictures turned out. I was getting kids up and going, and poor Sydney said she didn't feel well. With this kid, generally all you have to do is take one look at her and you know. She always goes ghost white when she's feeling bad. She had a low fever,... her throat, head and stomach hurt. In my head you would've heard... "give her some tylenol and send her to school.... no no, do that and they'll call you in an hour saying I need to pick her up.... but I've got school..... yeah, but you're a mom and your daughter IS sick..." Sigh.... yup.... my little girl IS sick. No way could I send her feeling like she does. With that, I got her some medicine and got the rest of the kids going and took them to school.

Sydney and I spent the day relaxing and I am glad I kept her home because her fever shot up to about 102.6 that afternoon. She slept some, and just felt bad. I checked her throat early that evening and I wondered...... had hubby look when he got home and he confirmed it for me,.... we were pretty sure she had strep. Sigh. Poor baby. I've had that once,.... in fact I was pregant with Sydney. It was the worst kind of pain I've ever felt.

Thursday morning, I checked Sydney's throat again,.... hadn't fully given into the fact that it WAS strep (we're not Doctors of course) but when I looked in her throat, ick,.... I've never seen a throat so red and swollen!!! Yup yup, we'll be going to the Drs this morning. We all got ready, took the other 3 to school and off we went to the Drs. This also meant that I wouldn't be attending my lab to get my pictures turned in for my first assignment. Sigh. I was bummed about it. I made up for it though :o) We got to the Drs, and 10mins after they did a throat culture on Sydney, it came back positive. Sure glad I brought her in. Poor kid. She seemed in good spirits though, the Tylenol was helping the pain pretty good :o) We got her Rx and off we went................. to the MALL :o) LOL

We had a nice time together. With four kids, it's hard to get that one on one time with each one of them without one of the others feeling jelous or hurt. We went to Game Stop as I wanted to find the girls the protective films for their DS's. We were there early so we sat and waited, talked a bit. We were the first into the store, for nothing. They didn't have what we wanted. Figures. Although, we did find that they were getting a shipment of XBox 360's in that day and if their reserved got met, I might could buy us one :o) Hubby has been wanting one since they came out and I had hoped to get one for Christmas I really figured we'd not have a chance on getting one this day. We left there and wandered around looking at stuff. We stopped and had a pretzel and drink and watched the people go by. It was nice,... just Sydney and I :o)

Left the mall and headed to WalMart to pick up some food and other junk,... you know, a donut and chocolate milk for the ride home :o) We love our junk food!!! Especially the chocolate kind!!! I called Game Stop when we were nearly done, and the guy said get here in an hour and we'll fix you up. WOOOHOOO!!!! We left there and headed to Game Stop and yup yup, got a 360!!! I was soooo excited, I just couldn't wait to surprise the hubby :o) He was very pleased that we were finally able to get one too :o)

All in all, it was a wonderful day.... I might have missed my class, my first assignment turn in, but you know, it was so worth missing that to spend that time with my youngest daughter. I know years from now, when she's off in college, I can look back on this day and well, I will probably cry because she's not so little anymore, but just to know that we had days like that.

Anyhow, I will be getting my film developed this week, and will post some of the better pictures.... my assignment for this week is "Depth of Field", in which I have to submit 2 photos.

Yesterday's class was interesting. We went over all the photos that were turned in, and got to critique them and learn a bit on lighting. Seems like each time I go to class, I get more excited about the next one. I'm anxious to see how well I do :o)

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