Tuesday, April 05, 2005

The things kids say.....

I have been puttering around the house cleaning this and that, trying to keep up on laundry, that sort of thing.

The weather the last couple of days has been so pretty. Warm with a nice breeze. Reminds me a lot of CA growing up. I remember those nice days in the backyard swinging on the tree swing Dad made for me. The big walnut tree's thick branch would wave around and around the higher I went. The smell of Spring, the warm sun on my face. Yup, those were the days. Life was simple as a kid wasn't it???

I headed to get the kids from school, ran into the P.O. to check the mail, and I swear I could smell my Grandma's perfume!! Our town is small,.... I think we achieved the 3,000 population last census. It does seem that the majority of the townspeople are all older though. I love the way smells can trigger memories. Put me back in Oroville, CA. My Grandparents lived on Bird Street, and I have many a fond memory of the long 3 hr drive to Grandma's house. How I would walk up to the corner store with a dollar or two to buy a 1/2 gallon of milk and an icecream bar for Grandma and I. Those weeks over the summer I would stay behind as Mom, Dad and my brother would leave for home. I would help Grandma clean and listen to Grandpa's stories. I would watch All My Children as Grandma would snore in her recliner. Yup, fond memories for sure!!

Well, got to the school,.... got Sydney first today. She and I always have nice little chats in the truck while we wait for Jessica and Brian to come out of class. Today it was about her substitute teacher. Her regular teacher was out ill a few days last week, and she really missed her. The substitute was off a ways, and she pointed her out to me,.... said that was who she had when her teacher was ill. She then went on to tell me that this substitute said she was poor and needed money. Huh??? I had to laugh. "She did, she said she was poor and needed money" she tells me again. "Did she tell you this was why she was teaching??" "Yeah" Ahhh okay. Might not have been the best thing to tell students,....as we all know they're going to be eager to report such findings to their parents,.... but it does give us parents something to giggle about.

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