Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fathers Day!

Each Fathers Day, I try and come up with a lovely craft for the kids to do. I often thought how sad it was that the kids are in school during Mothers Day, so teachers come up with neat things for the kids to make. Father's Day, school is out and Dad's don't get the wonderful crafted goodies from their kids. Sad. I think I've done pretty good each year,.... as they get older, the crafts are a bit harder to think of.

One year, and I think probably daddy's favorite gift? were the stepping stones they did. I bought these kits at Hobby Lobby for like $10 each, they came with these plastic split marble deals. It came with pretty stickers to stick onto the split marbles. I did one better though,... I bought silicone glue, and printed out various pictures of the kids. From baby ones to now,.... and we glued those to the marbles and added some smaller sticker ones and pretty colored flat marble deals (like you put in vases or fish tanks) and they stuck their hand in the center. They had a LOT of fun doing them. They're still sitting on the front porch for anyone to see when they come over.

This year, my creativity was lacking. Like I said, they're getting older and it's harder to come up with great fun kid crafts.

While in WalMart, with the kids as they were out of school. We wandered up and down the craft isle. Trying to come up with ideas, when I saw these nice wooden frames,... I thought there we go!!! Great summer craft for the kids!!!! Bought them each a frame and they picked out a cute wooden element to glue to the frame as well.

I planned a nice grilled dinner for hubby too. We also invited his folks for the meal :o) It would be a nice day for all.

The kids worked for 2 days making their frames just perfect, we took various pictures and I printed them out and had them all set to be wrapped up. Which the kids did as well. While at Target, they each picked out their own Fathers Day card,... which was a first for them as well. Usually I did the helping of the picking, but this year, I said "You pick the card that you want to give to Daddy" He was very pleased with what was picked out too :o)

It really was a nice day, the food turned out great,.... although, I've slept a lot since then, so can't exactly remember what all was prepared, but I know we ate good LOL

Here are a few pics that were taken,... and one of the frames the kids did :o)

Frames turned out cute!

Daddy and his kiddos!

Chris with his step dad Bernard

Chris's folks

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