Saturday, August 08, 2009

The time has come....

... Graduation.

If there was ever anything that can make a parent more proud, and feel more old, I think it would have to be graduation. I couldn't believe the day actually came. My baby boy was going to graduate high school. It was so surreal. Wasn't it just "last year" that I graduated????? Yeah, right. Try.... 22 years ago! LOL Now my son was going to graduate. *sigh* Hard to believe.

I tried to document everything I could. I was excited, emotional,.... forewarned him I'd probably be a bawling mess this day.

Having some difficulty with the tie,... Chris was busy getting himself ready as he had worked that day,... so we were looking online to tie his tie LOL I don't recall if we managed to tie it, or if Chris ended up having to do it for him LOL I swear the day was a blur and a half.

He's excited!!

He's all set to go,.... this was just before taking him to the school, he needed to be there earlier than the parents to get things set up, pictures to be taken,.. etc etc...

Brian walking out to take his place at the front of the gym. *sniff* So grown up.

Near their seats,... waiting to sit down after everyone else files in

The Mom's are presented with roses,.... and I didn't cry!!!!!

Our proudest moment,....

Brian and I


We're so very proud. It's still very overwhelming. I'm grateful that we still have him here for at least another 2yrs while he attends ANC, Arkansas Northeastern College,... he'll be taking his prerequisites there. His goal is to go into the video gaming industry.

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