Saturday, August 08, 2009

January 2009

Hmm... I don't really recall much of the beginning of January,... think it was all pretty normal. Until our weather turned to major crap.

I know we had a snowfall early/mid January... at least pretty sure. As the kids got lucky and got to leave school early :o) Yup yup, the love that!!!!

Here are a few pictures of our yard....

These three shots are sorta panoramic view,... as you can tell, it seems our yard is the only one with snow on it LOL Go figure.....

Xena decided to find a spot outside of the snow to potty

Later in January,... we had one heck of a storm. So much ice that we were without power for about 5 days. Thanks to Nucor and their assistance, we did manage to get a generator.

Stupidly, I didn't take any pictures of that storm and it's aftermath. I did find a blog HERE though that shows many pictures, it really was incredible and suck ass. I've never seen such a mess.

Everything around us was out, no power for ATM machines, grocery stores, ... I could go on and on and on. We were seriously without power for I think 3 days.... we're debit card users,... and because our bank is local,... nothing was updating,.. we couldn't get money out!!! Thankfully, we had a stash of cash (thanks to Brian and his job) so Chris and Brian headed out on my 40th Birthday, and went into West Memphis area to see if they could scrounge up some food. They returned with the most awesome Birthday cake :o) One of those icecream cakes. Let me tell you,.. I ate on that for breakfast lunch and dinner :o)

At this point, we were using the grill and the fish fryer to cook on. We had soup, and grilled cheese, we had grilled spaghetti LOL You find out how resourceful you can be in times like this. When we got our generator, it was like a Godsend. We were using our propane fireplace for heat,... so all of us were huddled in the living room to sleep, read, etc.

With the generator, we were able to pull all our food out of the coolers and run the fridge again,... we had lights in the evenings before bedtime,... we even had TV and COMPUTER!!!! I was having some major withdrawals from my PSP group.

Yeah,... it was a week I'd rather not relive,... but at least if it DOES have to happen again, we've got a generator ready and waiting for us.

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