Sunday, August 30, 2009

Summer Ends....

August 2nd we drove the 3hrs to Little Rock airport to pick up Brian. He would be returning to attend ANC (Arkansas North Eastern College). It was wonderful to see him!!! I missed him a lot. Seeing him reminded me though, that Jessica was NOT with him, and would NOT be returning. That sucked.

All in all, at least I have Brian for at LEAST another 2 yrs as he works on his prerequisites towards a larger college. I think he hopes to transfer to San Jose State. We'll see how that all goes.

We made the long drive back home,.... and well, by this point, yes,... summer was indeed over.

I was having to shop for the various TONS of school supplies,.... 5 3 ring folders, 3pks of dividers, glue sticks, packs of pencils,... and the list goes on and on and on..... I admit, I don't like buying supplies like this for the entire class. Kleenex, hand sanitizer,... and even the dry erase markers??? Sheesh.

Back in the OLD days,.... you got your new binder, inside the binder you had your trapper keeper folders (if you were smart, you got those, they were awesome!) lots of binder paper,... the little plastic pouch held some scissors, crayons, some pencils, and new erasers!!! You would throw that with your lunch into your new backpack and ta da!!! You were off to school.

Our first day,... poor Sydney had a backpack full, plus two walmart bags full of crap as well. Geoff's backpack was full and one walmart bag full. Oh, and they had to carry their lunches!!!

But the great news is....


Brian started on the 17th, and seems to be going well with him. He complained about how easy his math was. One of his problems was something like 4 x 8. I reminded him about how "well" he scored on his ACT exam. He's as smart as Jessica,... only he decided to NOT apply himself. He skated through his last year of school,.... and after graduation, at the award program,... he realized "I should've worked harder and done more" YA THINK????? LOL

We're still proud, he's going to college, he's taken steps to find a job,.... and hopefully soon we can do something about getting him a car so he can take himself to school and soon work????

Sydney and Geoffery started on the 19th. The first day was rough. Neither one of them really wanted to get up. We had gradually started implementing the regular bedtime routine, but that left them laying in bed wide awake. Geoffery was the worst to get up LOL Sydney was looking forward to school,....

The first few days went well,... they like their teachers, they are happy to see their friends again. Things are looking good!!!

The first full week was last week. They were tired,... falling asleep well before lights out,... dragging themselves out of bed but able to be ready to go on time. The whole drop off and picking up procedure at the school is a major mess. They've torn down some of the school, (elementary areas) and it's caused issues with where to drop your kids off. They've started doing the whole "Kiss & Drive" While normally I'd not mind this, I don't like that I can't park somewhere and walk in and get my son,.... he's forgetful, and trying to convince him that it's in HIS interest to remember his lunchbag, (that they swore they'd use and not leave at school) and his homework,... etc etc.... it's tiring.

Normally I would wait in the cafeteria for him,... check his bag, make sure everything was there and if not, march to his class and get it. I need that one on one with the teacher. I hope that in time things smooth out and who knows, maybe Geoffery will get more responsible. HA! Who am I kidding???? LOL

I was pleased with this though,.... we knew Geoffery could read,... but I have to share :o)

You can see where his teacher wrote Good! with the smilie at his ONE HUNDRED THIRTY SIX wpm,... but personally, I think it's GREAT!!!! :o) LOL Nothing pleases me more than a child that can read. Seeing this,... I mean, sheesh, this is the beginning of the year,... what will his wpm be at the end of the year????? Very exciting!!!!!

Now, if only we can get math scores like this, we'll be in business!!!!

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