Monday, February 21, 2005

Afternoon Delights

Yesterday was such a great day. House was soooo quiet. I snuck back into our room trying not to wake the hubby, but he was kinda awake anyhow. He asked what I was up to?? was I coming back to bed?? "Yup!" Told him I was coming back to snuggle. He told me he was getting up. Doh!!! We did snuggle for a little bit. Was just nice to lounge in bed again, even for only 20mins.

We got up, got our cold Starbucks. I warmed up my yummy danishes. Snuggled under a blanket and started flipping through the tv channels. DH was going to a tool show here in town. He even asked if I wanted to go. "Name brand tools at really cheap prices" As touched (and amused) as I was about this, I opted to stay home. I appreciate tools when I NEED them,.... and I can wander around WalMart and look at them every Thursday if I want to. Damn store. He and his cousin were to go, but apparently his cousin decided not to go, so we turned into vegetables on the couch for a good part of the day.

So, after some quality "adult" time, some food, a catnap, some Nascar.... we got the phonecall to pick up the kids. *sigh* Our quiet time was to be over. I ran down, got the kids, and boy is that culture shock LOL They were all very wound up, they had a fun day at church and a fun time with their Grandparents. They had stories to share and now toys/games to fight over. Yup, the kids were home!!! Had a quick dinner, wasn't long and the kids were having to get ready for bed and by 8 they were in bed. Phew!!!

We settled in, watched some of the SNL special that was on, then watched an episode of Angel. We just bought the last season on DVD. I'm going to be really bummed out when we're done with this series. No more counting down the months for the next season to come out. I guess we'll just have to rewatch them all again???

Was a nice finish to a wonderfully long quiet day though.

1 comment:

Andrea Knapp said...

We just got a microwave from Walmart yesterday! I love that store!!