Saturday, February 05, 2005

Ahhh the weekend...

Crawled out of bed this morning, neighbors dogs were barking, I looked out the window and the neighbor is riding around on his mower,.... probably fixing it or something I would assume, but it wasn't even 8:30!! That's not such a great start to the morning for me. I hate getting up, I'm usually pretty grumpy first thing in the morning as it is. Then to add to the morning, oldest daughter has to cheer at a basketball game that starts at 9. So, here we go!!!!

The game went quickly, for 4th grade basketball it wasn't too painful, and the best part is, this should be the last game for the year now. Our team won too btw :o) By the time I got home, I was still feeling pretty sleepy. I vegged with the hubby with the tv on, considered a nap, but knew I needed to get the monsters some food soon, so opted to dink on here. Still piddling with this blog, and wanted it to look right. After my post yesterday, it was really all messed up.

Hubby is great with stuff like this, but hate to bug him all the time when I screw something up. He helped me line up my links the other day, "watching and learning" I saw where he made the changes, and actually with pure luck, found the spot eventually that straightened my mess out here :o) I like when I can do stuff like that.

I'm still not allowed to do the plumbing around the house though. I like to try and fix stuff myself. I think I get that from my mom, she had a cute little VW Bug back in the 70's and she would change out the fuel filter and other various things on that car. She loved tinkering with it. She was always tinkering with things around the house too. Dad was a Mr Fix-It when he would get to it LOL I learned a lot. I thought. I watched Dad change out washers and such in the bathroom, so I thought how hard can it be??? This was some time ago, but I was determined to fix our leaky faucet in the bathroom. Well, I changed stuff out and put it all back and the leak was well..... gushing? LOL Needless to say, I had to wait for Chris to get home and refix it LOL

I think I do okay with other things though. I can put stuff together from the box,.... and yes I do use the directions most times.

Anyhow, was just pleased with myself for getting this right, think I'll go dig up a cross stitch to work on.

Happy Weekend!!

1 comment:

Andrea Knapp said...

The very fact that people around there can use a mower amazes me, we still have two feet of snow up here!

And no, don't worry about stalking! I felt the same way with Ms Mac! (and now we IM each other almost every day - and send e-mails when we aren't commenting on each others blogs!)