Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Tis the Season.....

.... for allergies??? Well, really since I was about oh 19-20yrs old I have had this problem with sinus crud. When I was about 21 I actually went and saw a Dr and got the allergy tests done and all that fun stuff. Only to be told I had "allergic rhinitis" Huh???? The way he explained it was that anything could set it off, from drinking too much alcohol to going from a warm bed and putting my feet on a cold floor. I've had all that happen. When I drink, I can't breathe, and by morning I'm a real mess. I've gotten out of a hot shower into a cold room and bam! (sorry Emril) I'm sneezing my head off for the rest of the night/day.

Well, I guesstimated that it was at least 13yrs since I had this test, it was high time to see someone else about it. Well, that and I'm driving my poor husband up the wall with my sniffling, sneezing and occasional "snoring" (yeah right.... I don't snore!) The kids Dr recommended a Dr for me to see, this was sometime over the summer. I finally made the apt last week and saw him today.

Very nice guy, liked him right off. Told me a story of how when he had a job as a kid, they found this cockroach that was <--------------- this big -------------> and they took some fishing line and tied it around the thing, and walked it around the store. Yeah. Hmm..... this guy is treating my sinusitis???? The nurse told me that he had started out as a pediatrician..... was he demoted?? LOL Nahh this was all in fun.

I'm glad I went, but at the same time, I'm allergic to crap that I really wasn't ready for. For starters, "southern cockroaches" LOL Southern???? What's the difference between southern and western (where I grew up) other than their size I mean??? LOL I'm allergic to a specific tree pollen,.... forget what it was called,... "box something or other" then molds. Oh yay. Sigh.

He gave me samples of meds and wished me well. I of course have the option to call back and let him know what is or isn't working along the medication line. I took a pill earlier, I dont feel much of a difference, so we'll see how it goes.

At least I'm not allergic to the cats :o) Maybe it's the kids??? LOL


Frally said...

You poor chook. Hope you're feeling better. I think I share that kid allergy, today anyway ;)

birdwoman said...

I've only been in southern CA once,but I remember my allergies taking a total breather whilst I was there. Maybe it's the air? I'm guessing where you are now has a much higher allergan count in the air...
