Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Too Old for Homework

I swear, from the time I get home with the kids, it's "mommy, mommy, mommy" and from ALL four of them at the SAME time. ARG!!!!! What makes it much worse is with a head cold I could swear I had 8 kids rattling around in my head.

The youngest thankfully actually took a nap at Headstart today. So he's much more mellow than usual. Phew!! Of all the things, that really does help.

The oldest likes to bug me with dumb things. I mean, they seem dumb to me,.... I try not to tell him I think so. He comes out just a bit ago and said "I've got weird bumps on my toes" "Okay" "Well, they itch" "So scratch them" "But then they hurt" "So don't scratch them?" LOL He's not big on common sence yet I suppose you could say. Plus, he's supposed to be studying.... and he will do ANYTHING within the hour of study time to get out of it, even if it's just something like itchy toes.

RIGHT AT THIS VERY SECOND... I've got one reading a story to me, and another in the kitchen singing me the "preposition flow".... and the youngest is hollering at me how to spell his name.... he thinks he's doing homework too.... I really think my ears are bleeding.

So, where was I???? oh, homework. The minute we get into the house, it's homework time. Jessica usually has ample work to do. She's in the 4th grade and I really think they load on the work. That or she just doesn't get enough done in class. She's a very smart girl, I know she knows the work, but has difficulty with math. So, math is always done first. She and her sister get to the kitchen table and start in on homework right away.

Sydney was out yesterday as I took her to the Drs. So, she had a few pages of make up work,.... I got to play teacher.... I think I could handle teaching for 1st grade. Everything was going along quite well, until we had to do the "timed subraction sheet" She wasn't sure if it was 2 or 3mins for the timer. So, we decided 2 mins. I called "TIME! Put your pencils down" LOL I so remember that growing up. Asked her to bring me her paper. She didn't want to. The poor emotional child (she so takes after me) was in tears bringing me her paper. Ugh. "What's the matter??" She claimed that her teachers timer was slower than my time. Well, not knowing if she does 2 or 3mins in class, that could be the case. She didn't get all the problems completed.... only missing 12 of I dont know how many. Personally, I think she did great. She completed far more than she missed. Plus, the ones she completed were all correct!!

I tried to explain this to her, but in her eyes she had failed, and her teacher would see that she failed and be upset with her. I told her that her teacher would NOT be upset with her. I really love this teacher, she's just the sweetest thing. Sydney insisted that she would be upset,.... so what more could I say???? "If she is upset with you, then you tell me, and I will have a talk with her." I think that fixed it all.

Things are quieting down, she's happily playing "tv games" with Geoffery the youngest,.... who managed to sneak a sucker off our cluttered bar in the kitchen,.... Jess is nearly done with homework, and Brian should be about done studying. Phew..... I think my ears will make it. Now if I can just muddle through folding up all the laundry, I'll have it made!


Frally said...

Man, have you got your hands full. Sydney sounds like a real perfectionist, bless her. It can be really hard for perfectionist kids to thrive in a competitive environment like school. Sounds like you are doing a great job of encouraging her though :)

Shannah said...

Thanks Frally.... I'm not so sure she's a perfectionist (you should see her pennmanship!) but she really strives hard to please me and especially her teacher. Which is great!! Except for when she gets herself so upset like that. I'm just glad that she tries so hard to do her very best. Maybe she'll be the Doctor and let Mommy and Daddy retire early?? LOL

Shannah said...

3xs, as much as I would like to think I'm even a nominee for Mom of the Year, I hardly take the cake on that one, but thank you for saying so :o) She's not too high maintance, she's actually the best homework kid for her age. You know, she can sit down and drum up sentences for her spelling words w/o hardly a problem. The others drove me nuts with "I can't think of a sentence for......." ARGH!! I soooo hated that.