Where did the day go?????
That was the title of the post I attempted to post like 3xs yesterday. I swear Blogger sure can suck ass.
Anyhow, yesterday, ALL the kids were in school. Geoffery had been home Monday, as his teachers had meetings or something like that. So, I was home ALONE!! Ahhhh.... a quiet house.
Now, yesterdays initial post was rather amusing if I might say so myself,... sorry that it got lost in the Blogger shuffle. I will try and recap, but not so sure it will be as interesting or funny.
I had to return to Headstart at 9 for a meeting. To find out how Geoffery was doing and what all. He is doing great, he's at his age level and will be more than ready for Kindergarten this Fall. Yay!!! Sigh. My baby is growing up.
Once back home, (I had already read my favorite blogs, and under the power of suggestion from
Ms Mac) I stripped my bed and got the sheets and all into the washer. Had a bit of a chat with the hubby, then determined I was, to put the entertainment unit together for our oldest son. The one he had was literally falling apart,.... so, I headed into his room. Sigh. It wasn't exactly clean. I looked at the old unit cluttered with junk. Bleh. I found his "
20 Questions" toy, and thought I would try to trick it. It's a really cool toy,... you think of something, be it a book, coffee mug, lamp, whatever, and then it will ask you 20 questions (duh!) So, I thought first of a book,.... too easy,... then a lamp... easy again.... so fine,... this time I'm trying harder!! I thought of a rainbow. Wouldn't you know it, that stupid toy got it right????? tossed it aside and dug into the cleaning up and assembling.
I was moving along great,.... following the instructions, one piece at a time so to be sure and get it all done properly and efficiently. "Insert this here, put that there.... connect A to D...." Yup moving along fine. Then I was looking at it, and was trying to figure out why it didn't look like the diagram on the paper. So, it ended up being "remove A from D and figure out where E went and where the Hell do I put D??" Yup yup, I was becoming frustrated. I think I started this thing around noon or so,.... thinking I would be done by 1 to watch Days of Our Lives.... ha! It was around 2 when I finished. Sigh. At least it's done right???? It looks so much nicer too. The shelves are big enough that he can put 2 game systems on one shelf!! I like that a lot too. Much more organized and if he keeps it clean (yeah right!) it will really look like a small livingroom for him :o) I think that's pretty nice for a 13yr old kid. Impressed yet again with my knowledge of handling a drill and piecing things together without throwing anything or swearing too much, I stood back and admired my work.
I cleaned up the tools and mess, and had enough time to snarf down a sandwich and another short chat with the hubby :o) Then it was time to get the kids from school. Where did the day go???? What happened to my quiet time??? I totally missed out. That period of the day where you can just sit and enjoy the quiet. Then the kids are home, someone's always hollering about something, or whining at each other for something, it's trying to get dinner started and running someone to scouts,..... phew..... I was sure looking forward to 8pm bedtime for the kids by the time hubby was home and we'd eaten dinner. Just need that bit of quiet to unwind ya know???
Today has been much better,... I got the last of the laundry washed, some of it put away,.... goofed around online,..... chat with the hubby.... pretty relaxing. That's good too, as tomorrow is grocery day!!! Yay me!!!!
Lets hope Blogger lets this one through, or I will possibly scream.