Thursday, March 03, 2005


I have a confession. I am so anti housework, that I would rather do anything.... like hanging blinds, or paint a bedroom or anything..... to get out of folding laundry, cleaning the kitchen or even cooking dinner. Sigh.

I swear I wasn't always this bad. I really took great pride in keeping a clean home. Not that we live in a pig sty of course, but it sure is cluttered. I hate clutter. One room at a time. I have to keep telling myself that, or I freak out and then go on strike.

Right now is our sons room. I will not stop till it's done. It got new paint, I'm working on the blinds. I forgot the measurements today when I went shopping, so I bought some wrong sizes. Figures. I needed 3 blinds. I got one size right. Sigh. I got all the groceries into the house, then had to run and pick the kids up from school.

Got home from that, and knowing I should put groceries away, I opted to hang the one set of blinds that did fit. I've gotten quite good at hanging them too I think. I'm always pleased with myself when I get something like that done. It's a mix of accomplishment and the fact that I'm working to make the house look better. Plus, it gets me out of putting groceries away.

Oh well.... I guess we all have those little things.... I get the stuff done, it might just take me longer is all. Just ask DH, he can tell you. The couch is again covered in laundry that I need to get folded..... but it's not going anywhere..... so yes, there is always tomorrow.... or the next day.... or the next........................... :o)


k8 said...

I hate housework too! Let's start a commune where the men do all the work and we rule and sit around all day eating bon bons!

Fizzy said...

Oooo thanks for the recipie I will try it and let you know.
My problem with house work is that you spend ALL day tidying and then WHAM BAM in walk the troops and total anihalation happens in the space of 10mins. Then the following morning you get up and are supposed to do it again....
I am trying train my kids to pickup cos I know they do it at school so why can they not do it at home?

Frally said...

I hear ya, Sis. And my hubby's a neat freak, which just adds a whole load of guilt to the picture as he comes home from work and proceeds to clean the house top to bottom. I am the world's worst housewife.

Shannah said...

k8- lol while I like the sound of this idea, I feel guilty enough when my DH comes home and the house is a mess.... but can I still have some bon bons??? :o)

3xs- thank you, I like that thought... at least something is getting done right?

fizzy- yes, please let me know what you think of that dish. I can so relate to what you said, our 4yr old is like a mini tornado sometimes. Mine pick up, but its never clean enough when they're finished LOL Oh well....

Frally- I'm sure glad my hubby isn't that bad, or like you, I'd feel horrible too... this is really an area I'm trying to work on though. The kids are getting older that they can help out more, so we'll see how that goes.