Friday, March 04, 2005


And not just ANY popcorn, but FREE popcorn!! (well, s/h charges only) Thanks to Today Show for having this guy on this morning :o) I ordered my free popcorn!!!

I enjoy popcorn,... I like the "kettle corn" that sweet/salty taste. I love it when we watch movies with my can of Code Red beside me. It's just as good as being in the theater!! Well, better, because you can pause the movie to run to the bathroom!! Doesn't get better than that.

Do you remember Cracker Jacks??? When is the last time you opened a box?? Do you remember the cool prizes you'd get as a kid?? I got a tiny plastic set of race cars once.... you had to snap them apart, and snap in the wheels. Do you know what you get now days??? Those little tattoos. You lick your bodypart and then stick the tattoo on. Yay.

Almost depressing to think of how things used to be when you were a kid and see how they are now. Kinda makes me feel sorry for my kids. However, same frame of mind,.... my Uncle was very "techie" and always was up on the latest things going on, he had to have the latest model of whatever car, and show off the newest perk for that vehicle.... advancements like that excited him. He passed away when I was 17 and I often think, "! what he'd think of the internet...." or landing on Mars, digital photography (I know he'd totally love that!) DVD's and MP3's.... so much he missed out on.

So, while it's cool that our kids are growing up in this new age of technology, it's sad that they'll never get that cool prize from a box of Cracker Jacks, or remember when you had to get up and channel the tv, or how as a kid you had more board games than video games.... I'm only 36 and I think, wow, I've seen a lot of changes and I do look forward to the years to come.

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