Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I'm a Grandma!!

Sorta :o) My Grandbabies are a tad on the furry side :o) But still!!! We have BABIES!!! Sheeba had been meowing at me early in the evening, she was wandering around, as if looking for a spot to lay down and start in on having them. I knew it was coming. I didn't know what I could really do for her really, but she was sure telling me it was time. She's such a good little mommy cat.

DH and I were kicked back, eating dinner and watching one of the last 3 episodes of Angel we have on DVD (*cry!*) when I could hear little mews. I muted the tv,.... and sure enough, she was between the recliners and the wall, right behind us. Barely a foot of room for her to move around in, yet she was crammed in there having kittens.

We ended up with 3. One little black one didn't make it. Was very sad. I could have sworn we saw 3 black and one black n white, but it was after 11pm and I was already tired, so maybe I miscounted??? This morning, there are just the 3 babies.

This morning, I hurried and moved them from the wall area, put them into a cut out box, I had put some soft towels down and gave Sheeba a nice new area for her and her little ones. I wanted to do all this before I got the kids up, so they wouldn't go bonkers. Figured Sheeba could use some rest. Well, Jess was in here brushing her hair, and Sheeba had moved or something and the kittens started crying LOUD. Jess was looking around, like WTF?? lol I finally told her "yes, we have kittens" She was VERY excited,.... leaned over the couch to take a look. Sydney was equally excited, but was terribly disappointed when I told her there were just 3. She wanted Sheeba to have 10!!

Anyhow, that was our excitment last night,.... I'm a proud Grandma :o) New kittens are almost as exciting as a new baby.... well, to me anyhow. I will tell you one thing, thinking about getting rid of them makes me sad too LOL I KNOW we don't NEED or really WANT 7 cats in the house,.... but they're SOOOO cute!!!

When I was little, I had a great cat. I can still remember the day that we got him too. I was 4 yrs old. We lived in a little apartment in Castro Valley where I grew up. Knock on the door, and a couple was standing there with this tiny black kitten in their arms. I remember standing there looking back at this big earred creature with amazement. I still remember that tiny thought in my head..... just the "awww" feeling going through me. A sort of anticipation almost. I don't remember really what was said, but mom told me later on that they were moving or something and he needed a home. Mom quickly took him in. I don't even think we were to have pets there, but that never mattered.

Mom named him Oscar. Oscar spent a good 2 weeks hiding under my bed. Mom would put his food dishes under the bed to try and coax him out. Oscar was my best friend for 12 years. I have a TON of Oscar stories. I miss that cat a lot. So, from the age of 4, I have always been a cat lover and owner.

I think I will have to keep updates on the new babies as they grow up and see how their personalities turn out. Maybe I can teach them to fetch like their daddy does before they go to their new homes :o)

Posting some pics right now using "Hello"... I think I'm lame, because I had wanted the pics within the post here,.... but obviously I need to learn how to use that stuff better. Anyhow, enjoy the pics!!! They're just too cute!!!!

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