Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Does anyone know much about the critters??? I've been dinking around online looking for some sort of information, but nothing yet.

My questions are:

Do they mate for life??
Do they carry their young around like cats do kittens?

Why am I asking??? You're probably thinking a kids school report?? Nah. This morning, I'm driving up our street, I'm right at our yard, and I see something out of the corner of my eye.... it looked like a deformed squirrel.

Pulled into the drive and had to go investigate. I'm like that when it comes to nature and odd things like this. What was wrong with this squirrel?? Did it have 2 heads???? I saw it head across the street, and it was carrying another squirrel in it's mouth. It seemed too big to be a baby, but maybe I'm wrong??? I wondered, if it was a mate, and something happened to it, would it carry it away???? I wished I had had my camera to snap a couple of pictures, because it was really odd.

Okay, back to my squirrel search!!

***I have found a couple of interesting facts,.... the first being of a more serious note,.... I'm still not sure what/why that squirrel would be carrying another in it's mouth, so more updates are sure to come!***

A female squirrel will choose the strongest male during mating season, but is unlikely to breed with that male again. This is natures way of reducing inbreeding, and to preserve the species.

The squirrel's erratic path while crossing a street is an attempt to confuse the oncoming vehicle... thereby causing it to change direction. This is obliviously the squirrels biggest, and often last mistake.

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